Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Deëscalation tip #27

More and more, many who work to deëscalate conflict are proposing ways to "predeëscalate." How do we change the conditions so that escalation is less frequent, or less intense? How do we anticipate the possible escalatory situations and get ahead of that dangerous curve? Initiating community conversations can help, especially if the invitation to do so includes groundrules that comfort others who are wary and weary of biting, bitter exhanges. This sort of work is happening intentionally now, with organizations such as Braver Angels, a network of local groups devoted to community well being through depolarizing dialog. 

We can do this. We can get our culture back. We can return to disagreement without being disagreeable. It takes involvement by good-hearted, sincere people determined to overcome the dangerous allure of hate and objectification. 

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