Monday, October 14, 2024

What did you do when you were in power?

 JD Vance has called out Kamala Harris for making proposals--he said she's been in office for more than three years and so why hasn't she already done those things?

Right. Does Vance even understand the job he's trying for?

Vice-presidents in my lifetime are (or should be) nicknamed Seldom Seen, much like Ed Abbey's fictional character. They are given general briefs by their boss, sometimes wisely and sometimes stupidly. Joe Biden, for all his many good points, made some colossal goofs, such as his botched withdrawal from Afghanistan but also in his out-of-the-gate assignments for his VP. Go fix the immigration issue.

Yeah, Kamala was supposed to go to Central and South America and lie? Make false promises? Tell the unvarnished truth? She did none of that. 

Lying would only encourage larger waves of doomed refugees. 

False promises would have only increased that. 

Telling the truth--that the waves of refugees pouring north from Central America in particular were a consequence of the years when the Cold War between the US and Soviet Union was hot proxy wars in that region--not a winning message for a powerless Vice President. The US and the Soviets did to the region in the last two decades of the 20th century what the US and Iran are doing to Palestine, Lebanon, and Israel right now. Flood the zone with weapons and watch it burn.

So Biden gave Harris an undoable job, so she essentially just told Central Americans, Don't show up at our borders. She was powerless to do much else. 

In turn, then, JD, what did your boss Trump do for the four full years he was in office?

Now he's saying he will magically protect women. But he and his henchperson McConnell in the Senate engineered the MAGA takeover of the Supreme Court, which has taken away rights and freedoms from women. His four years in power were a disaster for women. 

He's making one wild claim and promise after another, about all the groovy things he's going to do once he's back in power. So, Trump, why did you do NONE of it when you were at the top of the command and control pyramid for four full years? 'Splain that, JD. 

No tax on tips? Trump had four years to get that one done, never did. 

No tax on Social Security? Yeah, why didn't you touch that when you controlled the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial branches? Why?

The list goes on. Trump and Vance are promising the moon that was there for Trump's 2017-2021 reign, the moon that was not even mentioned then, so stop already with the sad-assed rhetoric about why hasn't the powerless Kamala already achieved everything she has said she's ready to get done out of the gate once elected.

Kamala won't give everyone in America a money ton and a perfect life, but Trump will break all his campaign promises, except those he's already made to his fellow citizens of Richistan.

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